Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Medical Marijuana Is the Cart Before the Horse?

I bet there is almost nothing in here on the uses for stroke. If our stroke associations were any good at all they would have a companion report out on uses for stroke and would be lobbying for complete legalization or expanding medical uses to proven research from anywhere in the world.
My 13 reasons for marijuana use post-stroke. Don't follow me but I will figure out some way to get some after my next stroke.
The blog of Respectful Insolence here:

Does medical marijuana work? The answer is (mostly) “no” and “we don’t know”

The JAMA article abstract here:

Medical Marijuana Is the Cart Before the Horse?

An article discussing it here:

Huge New Review Shows What Medical Marijuana May (and May Not) Help

This paragraph may be interesting to us;

Spasticity from multiple sclerosis or paraplegia: Fourteen studies examined the effects of cannabinoids on spasticity, a symptom of multiple sclerosis characterized by tightness and involuntary muscle movement. The analysis found that compared to a placebo, cannabinoids were associated with greater improvement in spasticity symptoms. However, the results were not statistically significant, meaning they could be due to chance.


This line telling us to talk to our doctor is a complete joke.


First, Hill says, patients considering using marijuana for a medical purpose should research reliable information and see their primary care doctor.


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