Monday, August 17, 2015


My current contract working for a financial firm requires both hand fingerprints. Went to the local police office to get it done. Right unaffected hand - no problem. Left affected hand, couldn't even get the left thumb on the paper because the fingers were curled too tight and hit the edge of the table. I had to pry each individual finger straight with my good hand, the police was unable to help at all with the left hand. Still smeared every finger. The four fingers together was a complete miss. Ended up with printer ink all over both my good and bad hands. Practically emptied the soap dispenser trying to get the ink off. Cleaning your good hand must have been something I missed in my OT rehab. A couple of years ago  I was being fingerprinted  using the glass plates and that didn't work either. I was either pressing too hard or not hard enough. So I wrote a note explaining my stroke spasticity for why the left hand was smeared.

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