Friday, September 18, 2015

Not selected for the board of American Brain Foundation

This foundation also seems to have to whole how to attract funding wrong. You attract funding by saying what you are proposing to do. The best way would be a BHAG(Big Hairy Audacious Goal), not this give us some money and maybe we'll do some good with it.
This must have been the major criteria; 'a proven ability to give or get donations'
This complete approach is wrong, you say what you are going to do to attract the foundation donations. They have this completely backwards. Money first, then ideas.  With no ideas this foundation will not last.

My original post on this here:

American Brain Foundation - We are Seeking Candidates for Board of Directors

This is how a charity should be run; big goals, big results, not this nanby pamby crapola.

The way we think about charity is dead wrong 

The actual letter back to me. 


  Dean Mr. Reinke,

Thank you for your interest in joining the Board of Directors of the American Brain Foundation. I was heartened by the response we received from people committed to our mission. 

After considering the many applications received by the Foundation, our Nominating Committee created a short list, with a focus on non-neurologists with significant fundraising experience, for further consideration. Despite your impressive credentials, your application was set aside because it didn't align so closely with those attributes as some of the others.

I truly appreciate that you took the time to express your interest in the ABF.  I would be delighted to talk with you about other ways you could be involved in promoting and raising money for the Foundation. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to have such a discussion.


Jane Ransom

Executive Director

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