Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One handed bottle opener

Every occupational therapist should have pointed this out to every survivor. Luckily I haven't spilled any bottles of beer when trying to steady the bottle with my left hand using other bottle openers.
Beer is good for you; But don't listen to me.

Guinness could really be good for you

This is your brain on beer vs. coffee (8 Photos)

Beer compound could help fend off Alzheimer’s - hops  

Dark beer is good for you, in moderation

If you're over 60, drink up: Alcohol associated with better memory

Acute effects of beer on endothelial function and hemodynamics: A single-blind, crossover study in healthy volunteers



  1. Nice opener! I will buy it! /John A.

    1. Yeah, I ordered one as soon as I saw it. I probably need to get a battery powered wine cork remover also.

  2. Great gadget! I clench the bottle (vertically, but tipped a little forward) tightly between my things - hard enough to feel my adductors against the glass - and then use a church key. Pouring the beer against the opposite side of a pint glass results in an acceptable head.
