Tuesday, October 13, 2015

ComeBackStrong Mobile App - Smartphone app from NSA

This app would only be good for those who are technologically advanced enough to already own and use a smartphone. My parents for example have never even used a cell phone, this would be way beyond their abilities. User testing must not have been very extensive, or they didn't even bother to think about who the average stroke user would be. Total lack of thinking about usability.  And you wonder why I think all the stroke leadership must be destroyed.
With support from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), this customizable mobile app has been developed for stroke survivors specifically based on their feedback and needs.
The app provides the stroke survivor or their caregiver with the ability to:
  • create a detailed listing of all medications and set reminders for when to take them
  • add important contact information including who to contact in an emergency and your physicians
  • understand common medical terms relevant to stroke
  • learn more about modifiable and non-modifiable stroke risk factors
  • find helpful information about the physical, emotional, and cognitive conditions of stroke
  • improve their rehabilitation through video instruction
  • find a support group
  • special sections for “Am I having a stroke?” and “Send help message with my location”
The app was developed through a collaboration with National Stroke Association, The State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center, City University of New York (CUNY), and The Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health.
Currently available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store

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