Sunday, October 18, 2015

Meals for a mighty memory

Our medical world should chime in here and be telling us specifically what we should be eating and how much. Failure at a grand scale. Since nothing specific is mentioned you are completely on your own and will have to blindly take your chances on how to prevent dementia. Once again protocols are required and are not to be found anywhere. FUCKING FAILURES.
Even if this is just a proposed diet protocol I would expect our medical teams to at least DO SOMETHING. Not just sit on their asses once again.
The quality of what we gobble can make the difference between groping blindly under a dim bulb, and swaggering like a boss under a blindingly-bright chandelier. To learn which foods are best for boosting memory and other brain functions, train your brain to look in the mirror and understand the following firm facts about itself:
  • Brains weigh only 2% of our total body weight, but consume more than 20% of our caloric intake. Half of that energy goes toward bioelectrical messages our brains send spiraling through neurons and throughout the body. So if you want a shipshape brain, EAT!
  • Our brains are made up of 60% fat – and failure to maintain that percentage can contribute to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Your diet should consist of foods rich in (healthy) fats containing the essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, along with nonessential fatty acids.
  • The brain needs constant and heavy blood flow in order to receive oxygen and keep up with the heavy metabolic demands of the neurons. Approximately 20% of the blood flowing from the heart is pumped to the brain. Foods that promote blood vessel dilation are ideal.
Depending on who you talk to (and there are lots of blabbering experts out there), brain ‘superfood’ can be anything from egg yolk to coffee. Brain food recommendations can be bewilderingly broad and varied, but bearing the above factoids in, err, ‘mind’, we present the following list of the most frequently-cited memory-boosting foods:
Oily fish


Berries and cherries

Dark green and leafy vegetables
Dark chocolate



Details at link, but they are pretty worthless.

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