Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How do patients define quality medical care?

One view here from a doctor.

How do patients define quality medical care?

At the risk of hubris, I will offer some thoughts:
Deans' thoughts in red
  1. Patients want a physician to listen carefully, look them in the eye, and address their concerns.
  2. Patients want correct diagnoses. This one fails a fair number of times in young person strokes. It fails all the time in an objective damage diagnosis. With no damage diagnosis you can never correlate interventions to results with any accuracy.
  3. Patients want to understand "the plan" - what is the diagnosis, what is the proposed treatment, what diagnostic tests are ordered and why.  There is no plan in stroke rehabilitation, it is all winging it. Why do you think you are told; 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different?'
  4. Patients want access to their physician - timely appointments, email, text, phone calls - and do not want unnecessary visits scheduled
  5. Patients want to avoid medication side effects. Statins, warfarin and blood pressure meds.
  6. Patients want cost considered when at all possible1


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