Sunday, November 29, 2015

Mayo Clinic high blood pressure DVD

Mayo Clinic Wellness Solutions High Blood Pressure [DVD]

Wow, even the Mayo clinic has been compromised with Complementary and Integrative medicine. Lots of woo in that dvd. Yoga and meditation are not complementary, they are evidence based and so are real medicine. No real help with nutrition in there. Can't tell how old this is but it still has the main restrictions on salt, which is in dispute right now. I'm obviously totally unbalanced at least according to their medicine wheel quadrants; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I have no spiritual beliefs so my three spoked wheel has to compensate. It's doing a damn good job.

1 comment:

  1. Dean, I realize that you have done extensive research on a multitude of health topics, including nutrition, especially -- of course! -- stroke avoidance, diagnosis, and healing.

    More and more evidence-based research on nutrition -- including evidence, direct and indirect, about supporting stroke patients -- keeps emerging.from a cascade of research studies.

    In the original meaning of "complementary", that is, "serving to fill out or complete" or "mutually supplying each other's lack" []. "Complementary medicine is different from alternative medicine. Whereas complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine." [See:]

    Some of the COMPLEMENTARY medicine which is recommended by conventional MDs today FORMERLY WAS unproven, but over the years has been scientifically proven to be of demonstrable medicinal value.

    Nutrition divested of its spiritual claims, one way or another, is increasingly being fine-tuned. For example, see:
