Thursday, January 28, 2016

How well is stroke care being provided at your local hospital? UK

Guargantuan F*cking Whoopee.

Notice they say domains of care NOT results. If they don't measure results they will NEVER be able to solve the problems. This is basically worthless, throw it back in their face, I don't give a shit how many MDs and PhDs wrote this, this doesn't help survivors now or in the future. You have to advocate for much better than this to pay it forward for future survivors.  These people are still sitting on their asses not helping.
These tables provide a summary of performance for named teams based on 10 domains of care. Each domain is given a performance level (level A to E) and a key indicator score is calculated based on the average of the 10 domain levels for both patient-centred and team centred domains. A Combined Key Indicator (KI) Score is derived from the average of the patient- and team-centred total KI score which is adjusted for case ascertainment and audit compliance level to give a final overall SSNAP level.

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