Saturday, February 13, 2016

Scientists take a step closer to ETERNAL LIFE as they PRESERVE and REVIVE brain - rabbit

And with a hell of a lot of research we might be able to get our doctors to use this to stop the stroke progression and revive us when they have the ability to fix stroke sequela. Lots more to work out yet since the brain seems to have been removed from the head.

FOR the first time, scientists have successfully managed to cryogenically freeze a brain and then revive it.

In a step towards eternal life, researchers from 21st Century Medicine (21CM) managed to freeze the brain of a rabbit using a technique known as Aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation (ASC).
The team, led by recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate Robert McIntyre, wrote in a press release: "Using a combination of ultrafast chemical fixation and cryogenic storage, it is the first demonstration that near  perfect, long-term structural preservation of an intact mammalian brain is achievable.”

More at link.


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