Thursday, March 10, 2016

'We want to ensure everyone touched by strokes has the help they need'

Which is more than you can say for the ASA, NSA or WSO.
SOME of your readers may have watched ITV documentary Churchill’s Secret on Sunday, February 28.
During the summer of 1953 Sir Winston Churchill, who was Prime Minister and in his late 70s, had a devastating stroke which was kept secret from the world.
Sixty years ago little was known about strokes and it was viewed by many health professionals as a sad but untreatable condition.
Despite the efforts of the leading neurologists, Winston Churchill never fully recovered, though he continued in office until 1955.
He sadly died in 1965.
Recent developments in medicine and research have transformed the way stroke patients are treated and today far more people survive strokes, but there is still much more to do to help the 1.2 million people in the UK affected by the condition.
The Stroke Association is a charity and we are proud to have funded pioneering research that has helped to save lives and improve stroke rehabilitation.
We want to ensure everyone touched by strokes has the help they need.

'We want to ensure everyone touched by strokes has the help they need'

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