Thursday, April 28, 2016

Arm rehab possibilities while driving

You can't let any time go to waste. None of these have any clinical studies to back them up. Don't do them.

1. Drive with the left hand at the 1 o'clock position. This only works on straight or slightly curving roads. I can only do it for 15-20 minutes before spasticity tires it out. I then use my right arm to hold the left hand in position at 1 o'clock.

2.  Roll the window down and lift the left arm on the sill so the lower arm will hang out the window. This provides massive amounts of necessary stimulation. Even better when it rains and it feels like needles entering your skin.

3. Hang the arm down between the seat and the door. This requires using the right am to push the left arm into place. Spasticity rears its ugly head and unless I wedge it properly it will crawl back up into my lap.  Trying to stop my spasticity with this therapy.

4.  Put left elbow on arm rest, hand at 7 o'clock position. This is to quiet the spasticity that tries to pull the elbow to my body and get some grasping with my fingers.

5.  Put my left hand between my legs, left thumb on seat but under right leg, fingers trying to dangle below. This causes staining on my car seat.

There is never enough driving time to get these all accomplished. Number 2, 3 and 4 require doing this while stopped.I really do expect my therapists to know how many repetitions and time is needed to recover these functions.

At least now while doing #1 and on cruise control I can drink coffee using a straw or change CDs.

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