Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PTSD Is Not Just for Soldiers

This is an instructive story about a mom with PTSD. It reminded me of a comment I made on a PTSD story about your 23% chance of stroke survivors getting PTSD,
Another commenter replied back that stroke survivors couldn't possibly get PTSD, not having gone thru anything traumatic. I pointed to the research and that person didn't respond back. But I'm willing to bet your doctor knows nothing about the possibility of PTSD post stroke. And of course nothing on how to treat such PTSD. I have 48 posts on PTSD, some with possible treatment options.

PTSD Is Not Just for Soldiers

1 comment:

  1. That kind of comment is partly why I decided to stop blogging for a while. People are certainly entitled to their opinions, as stupid and asinine as they may be, but that comment would have made me explode with anger and call the commenter a stupid idiot and other names.
