Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Symptoms of Poststroke Depression among Stroke Survivors: An Appraisal of Psychiatry Needs and Care during Physiotherapy Rehabilitation

This wouldn't be needed so much if your doctor prevented the damage occurring in the first week due to the neuronal cascade of death

Symptoms of Poststroke Depression among Stroke Survivors: An Appraisal of Psychiatry Needs and Care during Physiotherapy Rehabilitation

Sam ChidiIbeneme,1,2 Canice Chukwudi Anyachukwu,1 Akachukwu Nwosu,3 Georgian Chiaka Ibeneme,4 Muideen Bakare,5 andGerhardFortwengel2 1DepartmentofMedicalRehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences&Technology, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus,Enugu40024,Nigeria 2GermanUNESCOUnitonBioethics,FakultatIII-Medien,Information und Design, Hochschule Hannover-University of Applied Sciences and Arts,30539Hannover,Germany 3National Institute for Sports,Surulere,Lagos101283,Nigeria 4DepartmentofNursingSciences,Faculty of Health Sciences&Technology, College of Medicine, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki5480214,Nigeria 5FederalNeuro-PsychiatricHospital,New Haven,Enugu400221,Nigeria CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoSamChidiIbeneme;sam.ibeneme@extern.hs-hannover.de Received21December2015;Revised15February2016;Accepted17February2016 Academic Editor: Mirko Diksic Copyright©2016SamChidiIbenemeetal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Purpose. To identify stroke survivors with symptoms of post stroke depression and the extent of psychiatry needs and care they have received while on physiotherapy rehabilitation.Participants.Fifty stroke survivors(22 females and 28 males)at the outpatient unit of Physiotherapy Department, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, who gave their informed consent, were randomly selected.Their age range and mean age were 26–66 years and 54.76 ± 8.79 years, respectively.Method.A multiple case study of 50 stroke survivors for symptoms of post stroke depression was done with Beck’s Depression Inventory, mini mental status examination tool, and Modified Motor Assessment Scale.The tests were performed independently by the participants except otherwise stated and scored on a scale of 0–6. Data were analyzed using 𝑍-test for proportional significance and chi-square test for determining relationship between variables, at 𝑝 < 0.05. Results. Twenty-one (42.0%) stroke survivors had symptoms of PSD, which was significantly dependent on duration of stroke (πœ’2 = 21.680, df = 6, and𝑝 = 0.001), yet none of the participants had a psychiatry review. Conclusions. Symptoms of PSD may be common in cold compared to new cases of stroke and may need psychiatry care while on physiotherapy rehabilitation.

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