Thursday, May 26, 2016

Add your voice. Be a stroke hero

If you really want to be a stroke hero you will tell those fucking idiots at the American Stroke Association that they aren't even working on the correct problems in stroke. But up to you if you don't care about your children and grandchildrens' recovery after stroke. Yes, I know I'm being an asshole but there is no way to contact anyone in charge at the ASA to discuss stroke strategy.
Little people have little ideas, big people have BHAGs(Big Hairy Audacious Goals), mine is to eliminate all need for stroke associations because standard recovery from stroke is 100%. If that's not your goal, you aren't even worth talking to.
Support Stroke Legislation. Act Now.  |   View in browser.
American Heart Association | American Stroke Association Take Action
STROKE HERO. Super heroes fly. Stroke heroes petition Congress.
Let your powers of persuasion help save more lives. Take action.
Dear Dean,
I'm a stroke survivor for one simple reason. I was able to beat the clock—thanks to telestroke technology.
Unfortunately, Medicare only covers a telestroke consultation if the patient is in a rural hospital. With almost 94% of strokes occurring in urban or suburban areas, many Medicare patients don't have access to this valuable technology.
Things need to change fast.
Telestroke technology connects stroke patients with off-site stroke experts in real time. So when I first suffered my stroke, I was rushed to the nearest hospital, which was equipped with telestroke technology. The time saved is what made my recovery period shorter and my quality of life much better.
Join other stroke heroes and tell Members of Congress to co-sponsor the FAST ACT without delay. The FAST (Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine) Act will expand telestroke coverage to urban and suburban centers.
Imagine how many more lives we can save, just by saving time.
Take Action Now
Roger Keller
Stroke Survivor
You're the Cure Advocate

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