Thursday, May 5, 2016

Immediate arm stroke rehab - What Would Dean Do?

Since I am not medically trained, do not do anything about this, especially telling your doctor you want to follow this. But ask your doctor EXACTLY how her/his protocol for arm recovery stacks up against this idea.
Upper arm recovery is dismally low
This would seem to be a likely case of  'Use it or lose it'.
People recover walking because they attempt it a lot..
In order to use the affected arm a lot you need to force use to transport your body to where you want to go. The current wheelchairs require either two usable arms and hands to efficiently move that wheelchair. Or two usable legs/feet. The solution is lever powered wheelchairs. You are going to have to contact your stroke department NOW to maybe get them in stock in 5-10 years. If you don't have enough hand grip strength you could velcro your hand to the lever.

Rice University students build custom chair for teen with arthrogryposis - rowing motion

Rowing wheelchair

It is up to YOU to get this done in your stroke department, the status quo will never change without YOU questioning why arm recovery is so fucking low.

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