Saturday, May 28, 2016

The originality paradox applied to stroke

Another Seth Godin post that applies to me.
There are a billion people trying to do something important for the first time. These people are connected by the net, posting, creating, daring to leap first.
It's hard, because the number of people racing with you to be original is huge.
The numbers are so daunting that the chances that you will create something that resonates, spreads and changes the culture are really close to zero.
But it's also certain that someone will. In fact, there's a 100% chance that someone will step up with an action or a concept so daring that it resonates with us.
Nearly zero and certain. At the same time.
Pick your odds, decide what you care about and act accordingly.

I'm going to keep going because the stroke medical world is a complete failure and I need to change that.

1 comment:

  1. Dean,
    You and your website are absolutely original, unique and needed!
    Since my stroke 3 years ago, I have spent a huge amount of time searching for relevant info for stroke survivors and how to rehab. I found your site a year ago and have been reading daily ever since because:
    1) You validated my conclusion that the doctors really do not know what they are doing when it comes to the brain & motion.
    2) Reinforced my instinct to take charge of my own recovery, since no one else can really help.
    3) Stroke people are screwed in so many ways, but you help us understand & avoid some of the ways we are screwed
    4) stay informed of things that are happening, both good and bad relevant to stroke.

    Keep at it!
