Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Exercise after Stroke: Patient Adherence and Beliefs after Discharge from Rehabilitation

Patient non-adherence to  exercise plans after discharge is so easy to explain. Survivors aren't given specific protocols with efficacy ratings so they know that doctors and therapists have no fucking clue what works or doesn't work.


Background: Most people complete post-stroke rehabilitation within the first 6 months after stroke even though benefits from exercise are believed to persist well beyond 6 months. Physical and Occupational therapists provide home exercise programs (HEP) to instruct patients on exercises to continue after discharge from rehabilitation. Unfortunately, there is little known about HEP adherence rates in adults with stroke.
Objectives: The objectives of this project were to (1) determine the adherence rate with post-rehabilitation HEP and reasons for non-adherence, (2) assess for interactions between HEP adherence and self-report of depression and fatigue, and (3) determine patient beliefs about the benefit of exercise during stroke recovery.
Design: This was a cross-sectional, survey study.
Methods: A survey was developed and distributed during stroke support group meetings to determine adherence rates with post rehabilitation HEP, reasons for non-adherence, and patient beliefs about the benefit of exercise.
Results: Eighty-nine percent of participants reported receiving a HEP and 65.3% of those reported being adherent with at least part of the HEP. Several reasons for non-adherence were identified, including ‘doing different exercises than the ones given by the physical therapist’, as the most frequently given reason. Study participants identified positive roles of exercise in their recovery from stroke.
Conclusion: Patient adherence with HEP after discharge from rehabilitation is less than ideal. Reasons for non-adherence are varied. Rehabilitation therapists need to be able to identify and help patients manage barriers to HEP adherence to promote management of residual deficits.


  1. grumble, grumble..... people actually get PAID for this kind of 'research' ?
