Friday, July 1, 2016

Helsingborg Declaration on European Stroke Strategies, 2006

I saw absolutely nothing in Helsingborg that had any assigned goals so I'm sure zilch came out of this except for conscience laundering which does absolutely fucking nothing for survivors. 

Helsingborg Declaration on European Stroke Strategies, 2006

Edited by: T.Kjellström, B.
Norrving, A. Shatchkute
B. Norrving was the former president of the WSO, I saw nothing useful come out of there except how not to run a stroke symposium.

The Second Consensus Conference on Stroke Management took place from 22 to 24 March 2006 in Helsingborg,
Sweden. The meeting was arranged by the International Stroke Society,
endorsed by the European Stroke Council and
International Stroke Society, and co-sponsored by the WHO R
egional Office for Europe. It was arranged in collaboration
with the European Region of the World Confederation
for Physical Therapy and the European Association of
Neuroscience Nurses. The patients’ organization Stroke Alliance for Europe also participated.
The meeting adopted the Helsingborg Declaration 2006 on European
Stroke Strategies, a statement of the overall aims
and goals of five aspects of stroke management (organiza
tion of stroke services, management of acute stroke,
prevention, rehabilitation, evaluation of stroke out
come and quality assessment) to be achieved by 2015
If something was done by 2015 it sure is not visible. Why would you want to notify stroke survivors about this anyway?