Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Inertial Motion Capture Systems

We need this objective analysis of gait problems so bad. Otherwise you get what one of my PTs did, demonstrating walking and saying 'Walk this way' Completely and totally worthless for any stroke patient. Then we could finally get chunking into a stroke protocol and maybe get survivors a better recovery.

Workshop at International Conference on Neurorehabilitation 2016

Next October ICNR 2016 will take place at Segovia (Spain). Framed on this Conference we will give a Workshop focused on human motion capture and neurorehabilitation.

Thus, starting with the basics of this technology through some research studies, it will be evident how the versatility, portability and reliability of the inertial technology increase its potential to be applied in different areas of human biomechanics assessment.

1. Introduction to Inertial Technology.
A brief introduction to Inertial Technology fundaments will underlie the lecture about Inertial Motion Capture Systems applied to human biomechanics, as an objective measurement tool. During the lecture we will go in depth in the extent of these systems stocktaking the advantages and disadvantages in their application on biomechanics.

2. Presentation of Inertial Technology Reliability Validation Studies.
We will introduce the different Validation Studies carried out at the LaSalle’s Biomechanics Laboratory. The most relevant study is about the comparison between Inertial Technology based Motion Capture System and current market referents as Optoelectronic Motion Capture Systems.

3. Movement Valuation During Musculoskeletal Pain. Pathologic Gait Study.
Experimentation will be prioritized. Attendees will have the opportunity to implement their recent knowledge about Inertial Motion Capture Systems by means of different exercises selected to strengthen the use of this technology with an easy and efficient approach, obtaining quick results.

4. Implementation in Neuro-Rehabilitation.
Central nervous system disorders usually come up with different motor disorders. In neuro-rehabilitation area, the improvement on the joints’ motor control could be assisted by inertial systems in order to increase the cognitive impact of the movement, as well as to apply sensitive feedback techniques.

More information: http://www.technaid.com/events/icnr-2016-neurorehabilitation-clinical-rehabilitation/

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