Monday, July 25, 2016

Rain and an argument at Winnipeg Folk Festival

The 1.5 hours between the small stage shows and the main stage starting up usually has my four friends biking back to the campsite for snacks and libations. I stay at the site, getting dinner and waiting on the tarp for the shows to start. This day it started raining and I only had my jacket along, not my rain pants, so I pulled out a smaller tarp tucked under the main tarp just for that purpose just to cover my legs. It rained pretty steadily but warm and the tarp leaked a fair amount. Maybe 1.5 hours later my guy friends finally came to the tarp, never telling me where the two women friends were. They showed up a half hour later wondering why we all were sitting in the rain while they had been waiting for all of us under the beer tent with beer tickets. That then devolved into arguing which pair had done the most to save Dean. The women who were prepared to save us all like the St. Bernard Rescue Dog carrying a whiskey barrel? They had done the planning ahead of time. Or the guys who actually found me? Of course there were two in each group so they could have split up to find everyone.  Overall there was a lack of planning. If he is at the tarp bring him to safety in the beer tent. If he is in the beer tent fetch the guys back to the tent to celebrate Deans' survival. This argument went on for what seemed like hours, and I was supposed to choose which pair amongst the four best friends was actually the bestest. I refused to do so. We relitigated the argument at the beer tent later and managed to cadge a joint by our marijuana whisperer.
Sorry this is 3 weeks late from when it occurred but when you travel for work every week and social connections fill the weekends it is hard to keep up my prodigious blog output up to date.

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