Monday, August 1, 2016

CMS announces new initiative for MI, stroke prevention

So rather than tackle ANY of the problems in stroke you decide to go the lazy route and do press releases and awareness campaigns.  NOT UP FOR THE CHALLENGE YOU CHICKENSHITS? 
CMS has announced 516 awardees in 47 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia to help reduce the risks for MI and stroke among millions of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries, according to a press release.

The Million Hearts Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Model will use data-driven predictive modeling to generate personalized risks scores for individual patients, which will allow participating health care professionals to develop specific plans to apply prevention interventions to reduce the risk for MI or stroke, according to the release.
Health care professionals in the intervention group will work with beneficiaries on an individual basis to identify the best approach or approaches to reduce their risk for MI or stroke — for example, smoking-cessation interventions, BP management, or cholesterol-lowering drugs or aspirin — and will explain the benefits of each approach. All beneficiaries will receive a personalized risk-modification plan that will target their specific risk factors. Organizations in the intervention group will be paid for reducing the absolute risk for CVD or stroke among their high-risk interventions, according to the release.
CMS estimates that nearly 20,000 health care professionals and more than 3.3 million Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries will participate in the 5-year model.
“This initiative will enhance patient-centered care and give practitioners the resources to invest the time and in staff to address and manage patients who are at high risk for heart attacks and strokes,” Patrick Conway, MD, chief medical officer of CMS, stated in the release. – by Cassie Homer
Million Hearts Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Model.
Disclosure: Conway is chief medical officer of CMS.

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