Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Secondhand Marijuana Smoke May Damage Blood Vessels More Than Secondhand Cigarette Smoke

But do the benefits outweigh the harm? Or does this mean we should get it in foods? Your doctors thoughts on this? Cancer drugs cause problems which are alleviated by other drugs. I'm sure with a bit of thought this can be overcome.
My 13 reasons for marijuana use post-stroke.  
Seems like trying to demonize marijuana any way possible. 

Inhaling any type of smoke is bad for you, researchers of a new study say. But inhaling secondhand marijuana for one minute may cause even more damage to blood vessels than one minute of exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke.
The study, performed on rats, was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and could have important implications considering there are a number of states legalizing both recreational and medicinal marijuana.
According to the findings when rats inhaled secondhand marijuana smoke for one minute, their blood vessels took at least three times longer to return to normal function than rats who inhaled secondhand tobacco smoke.  Tobacco smoke caused blood vessel impairment for 30 minutes, compared to 90 minutes for rats exposed to marijuana smoke.
Lead study author Matthew Springer, Ph.D., professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said that the rats’ response is likely a good model for how human arteries would respond to secondhand marijuana smoke as it is already known that rats’ arteries respond similarly to secondhand cigarette smoke.
He also noted that while the blood vessel impairment is temporary and function is restored after a period of time, it can become a long-term problem with repeated exposure and increase the risk of developing hardened and clogged arteries.
“There is a widespread belief that unlike tobacco smoke, maijurana smoke is benign,” Springer said in a press release. “We in public health have been telling the public to avoid secondhand tobacco smoke for years, but we don’t tell them to avoid secondhand marijuana smoke, because until now we haven’t had evidence that it can be harmful.”
Interestingly, neither burning of the rolling papers nor chemicals such as nicotine or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) caused the blood vessel damage. Researchers found that burning of the actual plant material caused of the impairment.

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