Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Shutting Down Sensorimotor Interferences after Stroke: A Proof-of-Principle SMR Neurofeedback Study

No clue what this means. Send your doctor after the details so your therapists can use it on you. If you wait for a protocol to be written up that will only be at least 50 years.
  • 1Institute of Psychology, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
  • 2BioTechMed Graz, Graz, Austria
  • 3Klinik Judendorf-Straßengel, Graz, Austria
Introduction: Neurofeedback training aims at learning self-regulation of brain activity underlying cognitive, emotional or physiological functions. Despite of promising investigations on neurofeedback as a tool for cognitive rehabilitation in neurological diseases, such as after stroke, there is still a lack of research on feasibility and efficiency of neurofeedback in this field.
Methods: The present study aimed at investigating behavioral and electrophysiological effects of 10 sessions of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) neurofeedback in a 74-years-old stroke patient (UG20). Based on previous results in healthy young participants, we hypothesized that SMR neurofeedback leads to a decrease in sensorimotor interferences and improved stimulus processing, reflected by changes in event-related potentials (ERPs) and electrophysiological coherence. To assess whether UG20 benefited from the training as much as healthy persons of a similar age, a healthy control group of N = 10 elderly persons was trained as well. Before and after neurofeedback training, participants took part in a multichannel electroencephalography measurement conducted during a non-verbal and a verbal learning task.
Results: Both UG20 and the healthy controls were able to regulate their SMR activity during neurofeedback training. Moreover, in a non-verbal learning task, changes in ERPs and coherence were observed after training: UG20 showed a better performance in the non-verbal learning task and a higher P3 amplitude after training than before, and coherence between central and parietal electrodes decreased after training. The control group also showed a behavioral improvement in the non-verbal learning task and tendencies for higher P3 amplitudes and decreased central-parietal coherence after training. Single-case analyses indicated that the changes observed in UG20 were not smaller than the changes in healthy controls.
Conclusion: Neurofeedback can be successfully applied in a stroke patient and in healthy elderly persons. We suggest that SMR neurofeedback leads to a shutting-down of sensorimotor interferences which benefits semantic encoding and retrieval.


Electroencephalography (EEG)-based neurofeedback is a promising tool for cognitive improvement and rehabilitation. While most traditional cognitive trainings consist of specific tasks that aim at improving cognitive functions, neurofeedback is aimed at directly regulating the brain activity underlying cognitive functioning. An important possible future area of application for neurofeedback is cognitive rehabilitation of neurological diseases, such as stroke (Doppelmayr et al., 2007; Hofer et al., 2014), as neurofeedback might be used to directly up-regulate certain aspects of brain activity while suppressing dysfunctional activations. During neurofeedback training, brain signals are recorded, processed and fed back to participants on a computer screen. In most cases, the feedback is presented auditorily or visually, for example as moving bars that have to be steered in a certain direction. This feedback enables participants to voluntarily control their own electrical brain activity.
During sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)-based neurofeedback, the power of SMR, a frequency band ranging from 12 to 15 Hz, is extracted from the EEG signal. SMR is an oscillatory rhythm recorded over central scalp regions, that is supposed to be originating from the thalamic nuclei, specifically from ventroposterior lateral and reticular nuclei (Sterman, 1996, 2000). SMR is observed when one is motionless but mentally focused and attentive and is suppressed when motor tasks or motor imagery are carried out (Pfurtscheller, 1981; Sterman, 1996). Since the beginnings of neurofeedback research, SMR has been utilized as a feedback frequency band. Several studies have shown that SMR neurofeedback training can lead to cognitive improvements, mainly in memory functions and attention (Vernon et al., 2003; Egner and Gruzelier, 2004; Hoedlmoser et al., 2008; Doppelmayr and Weber, 2011; Kober et al., 2015b). Underscoring its presumable effect of reducing brain excitability, SMR neurofeedback has been successfully applied in diseases such as epilepsy and ADHD (Lubar et al., 1995; Tinius and Tinius, 2000; Sterman and Egner, 2006). It was suggested that SMR might facilitate thalamic inhibitory mechanisms (Sterman, 1996, 2000; Egner and Gruzelier, 2004), and block motor activity that interferes with information processing (Pfurtscheller, 1992; Sterman, 1996). In accordance with this assumption, we found in a previous study that SMR-based neurofeedback training of healthy young adults leads to cognitive improvements related to changes in task-related electrophysiological parameters. Components of event-related potentials (ERPs), the N1 and P3, were increased after SMR training as compared to pre-training, indicating more intensive stimulus processing (Kober et al., 2015b). Importantly, functional brain connectivity between motor areas and visual processing areas was reduced after SMR training, while performance in a verbal memory task was improved. Thus, these results support the idea that SMR up-training leads to an enhanced blocking of sensorimotor interference, which might be responsible for the observed improvements in stimulus processing and memory function (Kober et al., 2015b). However, these results were obtained in a healthy, young sample and studies assessing the functionality of SMR neurofeedback in elderly persons and in persons suffering from neurological diseases, such as stroke (Doppelmayr et al., 2007; Hofer et al., 2014), are still scarce. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of SMR neurofeedback in a single-case of stroke. Around 32% of stroke survivors still demonstrate cognitive sequelae 3 years after the incident (Patel et al., 2003). Particularly long-term deficits in attention, memory and executive functions are common in stroke patients. Importantly, evidence suggests that specific neurofeedback protocols have largest effects on specific cognitive functions. For instance, Theta/Beta neurofeedback has mainly proven successful in improving attention and executive functions (Monastra et al., 2002; Fox et al., 2005; Duric et al., 2012), while SMR neurofeedback has been consistently found to improve memory functions (Vernon et al., 2003; Hoedlmoser et al., 2008; Hofer et al., 2014; Schabus et al., 2014; Kober et al., 2015b). Thus, neurofeedback training protocols can be chosen according to the patient’s cognitive deficits. In the present study, we chose to train a 74-years-old stroke patient with memory impairments with SMR neurofeedback to investigate training feasibility and the effects of the training on cognition and electrophysiological parameters. We chose to train the selected patients due to his very specific cognitive deficits that comprised memory impairments but no deficits of attention or executive functions. In a previous study, we found that patients with heterogeneous lesion locations could reach control over their brain activity during SMR-based and Upper Alpha-based neurofeedback (Kober et al., 2015a). Therefore, in the present study we chose to base our patient selection on the cognitive deficits observed rather than on lesion locations.
Hitherto, there is still a lack of studies assessing the efficiency and feasibility of neurofeedback protocols in stroke patients. In two studies reported by Doppelmayr et al. (2007), inconsistent results were observed regarding the efficiency of alpha and theta-based neurofeedback in stroke patients. While alpha neurofeedback proved superior to a control treatment in the first study, this was not replicated in a second study investigating alpha and theta neurofeedback. In this second study, neither alpha neurofeedback nor theta was more efficient than a control treatment. On the other hand, in a range of case studies, positive effects of neurofeedback on cognitive performance in stroke patients were reported (Rozelle and Budzynski, 1995; Bearden et al., 2003; Cannon et al., 2010). Still, these studies lack healthy control groups to assess whether stroke patients can benefit as much from the training as healthy persons. Therefore, in the present study we included an elderly control sample for comparison. Single-case control approaches allow the comparison of the patient’s improvement with the improvement observed in the healthy elderly (Crawford and Garthwaite, 2002, 2004). In a recent systematic study on stroke patients, Kober et al. (2015a) observed improvements in memory functions after SMR-based and Upper Alpha-based neurofeedback training. Effects were stronger than the effects of traditional cognitive training in a control group of stroke patients. While this study provided promising evidence that neurofeedback might be used as an effective tool for cognitive rehabilitation in stroke patients, the neuronal basis of the observed behavioral improvements remained unexplored. Thus, in the present study we set out to investigate electrophysiological parameters in detail in a stroke patients and a healthy elderly control group before and after neurofeedback training. Of note, we selected elderly participants as controls, as there is evidence that electrophysiological brain activity changes across the life span (Polich, 1997; Klimesch, 1999; Babiloni et al., 2006; Cummins and Finnigan, 2007; Rossini et al., 2007), which might also affect the functionality of neurofeedback paradigms. As neurofeedback studies in older persons are still scarce, an additional aim of the present study was the assessment of the efficiency of SMR neurofeedback training in the elderly sample. It has been demonstrated that across the lifespan, cognitive decline is accompanied by a broad array of changes in brain activation and structure (Hedden and Gabrieli, 2004; Rabbitt et al., 2007; Finnigan and Robertson, 2011). Based on such observations, one may assume that self-regulation of brain activity might be an efficient method to counteract age-related cognitive declines in older persons.

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