Sunday, August 21, 2016

Three FDA-approved THC drugs are Marinol, Cesamet and Syndros.

If there is any protocol using these drugs to address uses for stroke I can't find it.
The three FDA-approved drugs are Marinol, Cesamet and Syndros. 
This article below is basically an extended version of reefer madness, you can't trust people to use marijuana responsibly. FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). That will prevent us ever getting marijuana legalized unless you get your elderly mom and grandma to start screaming in our federal legislators faces. And we need it completely legalized before we will ever get open research on it.
My 13 reasons for marijuana use post-stroke. I would have to self treat my stroke rehab needs because we have NO stroke leadership or strategy to figure out how to create THC or marijuana protocols. I can't self treat using any form of medical marijuana including this THC because it would require getting a prescription and with no protocol doctors are not going to write prescriptions. Our fucking failures of stroke associations are doing nothing to actually help survivors by creating stroke protocols and solving all the fucking problems in stroke.

Pot Pushers’ Dirty Little Secret: Legal THC Pills

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