Thursday, September 1, 2016

Check Your Health: Neuro specialty rehab for strokes

Because your neurologist has done nothing to solve the neuronal cascade of death by these 5 causes in the first week.  Stroke rehab is going to continue to be incredibly difficult.
(KUTV) For Michael Slisz, a blackjack dealer from Mesquite, Nevada, a visit to the emergency room revealed his blood pressure was out of control.

“It was 270 over 250,” said Michael.
Shortly after, the elevated blood pressure resulted in him suffering a severe stroke and affecting his ability to function.
“When he first came to us he was very difficult to understand,” says Dr. Rusty Moore, medical director of Neuro Specialty Rehab at Dixie Regional Medical Center. “He had difficulty with using the left side of his body and recognizing the left side of the world.”
For patients like Michael, neuro specialty rehab works to address and overcome some of those deficits that are making it hard to function.
“Our team, we work on very small things that progress toward the big functions in live,” says Dr. Moore, “Sometimes being able to shift your weight or to know that your body is out of alignment.”
Following the stroke, Michael wasn’t able to move from one surface to another. He couldn’t go from lying down in bed to sitting up. However, in just three weeks, hard work and dedication has allowed him to progress beyond that.
“I can get up out of bed and do things the right way,” says Michael.
“Going from sitting to standing. He’s working on small steps walking. He’s able to roll from one place to another,” explains Dr. Moore.
Although he may no longer be able to shuffle and deal cards, Michael hopes to return to work as a supervisor.
“We’re seeing some great return, and he’s getting to where he can do a lot of things for himself,” says Dr. Moore.
Everyone is different when it comes to recovering from a stroke(What a fucking way to blame the patient for lack of recovery). However, most people will make improvements for at least a year, possibly longer, after suffering a stroke.

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