Friday, October 21, 2016

Relearn Faster and Retain Longer Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect

I bet your doctor won't take this to heart and change your stroke protocols to have sleep sessions in between therapy sessions. I bet your doctor doesn't even know about this research and will never know about this research.
  1. Stéphanie Mazza1
  2. Emilie Gerbier2
  3. Marie-Paule Gustin3,4
  4. Zumrut Kasikci1
  5. Olivier Koenig1
  6. Thomas C. Toppino5
  7. Michel Magnin6
  1. 1Laboratoire d’Étude des Mécanismes Cognitifs, Équipe d’Accueil 3082, Université Lyon 2, Université de Lyon
  2. 2Bases, Corpus, Langage Lab, Department of Psychology, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) 7320, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
  3. 3Department of Public Health, Institut des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Équipe d’Accueil 4173, Université de Lyon
  4. 4Emerging Pathogens Laboratory – Fondation Mérieux, International Center for Infectious Diseases Research (CIRI), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) U111, UMR 5308, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  5. 5Department of Psychology, Villanova University
  6. 6Central Integration of Pain (NeuroPain) Lab—Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, INSERM U1028, UMR 5292, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  1. Stephanie Mazza, Laboratoire d’Étude des Mécanismes Cognitifs, EA 3082, Université Lyon 2, Lyon, France E-mail:
  1. Author Contributions S. Mazza, E. Gerbier, and O. Koenig designed the experiments. S. Mazza and Z. Kasikci performed all experiments. S. Mazza, E. Gerbier, M.-P. Gustin, and M. Magnin performed the analyses. S. Mazza, E. Gerbier, T. C. Toppino, and M. Magnin wrote the manuscript after discussion among all the authors. S. Mazza and M. Magnin supervised and coordinated the project.


Both repeated practice and sleep improve long-term retention of information. The assumed common mechanism underlying these effects is memory reactivation, either on-line and effortful or off-line and effortless. In the study reported here, we investigated whether sleep-dependent memory consolidation could help to save practice time during relearning. During two sessions occurring 12 hr apart, 40 participants practiced foreign vocabulary until they reached a perfect level of performance. Half of them learned in the morning and relearned in the evening of a single day. The other half learned in the evening of one day, slept, and then relearned in the morning of the next day. Their retention was assessed 1 week later and 6 months later. We found that interleaving sleep between learning sessions not only reduced the amount of practice needed by half but also ensured much better long-term retention. Sleeping after learning is definitely a good strategy, but sleeping between two learning sessions is a better strategy.

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