Monday, October 24, 2016

Women are almost twice as likely to die from a stroke as from breast cancer

But you as the National Stroke Association are doing fucking nothing to solve that problem. Lazy AWARENESS press releases.You haven't figured out how to get stroke to the tipping point where every research paper on stroke is held in breathless anticipation. You don't deserve any money for your useless work.
View this message on our website.
Dear dean,
Know the stats...
  • Women are almost twice as likely to die from a stroke as from breast cancer
  • Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • 800,000 people will experience a stroke this year and live to join the 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S.
  • Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability
  • Strokes in children, teens, and young adults are increasing at an alarming rate
For 32 years, we’ve been committed to raising stroke awareness. Stroke is a sudden and shocking loss for millions of families. But, with your help, we know we can do more to empower our community to understand their risk for stroke and make lifesaving changes.

Please stand with us today by making a gift. Together, we will take the next step in moving the needle forward for stroke survivors and their families.
Thank you again for your continued support; it means so much!
With thanks,
Crystal Blaylock's signature
Crystal Blaylock
Director of Development


  1. Hi Dean,
    we are so sorry that you feel so disappointed in the National Stoke Association's services and programs. We are deeply committed to providing programs and services that help stroke survivors, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals in the stroke space. Unfortunately we do not have a research arm nor the funding to deliver all the resources and programs that we would like to deliver. We are working hard on developing even more robust resources such as a survivor resource helpline, we are working on getting stroke navigator programs into each health systems across the U.S to help stroke survivor recovery / improve outcomes, and are designing a number of other programs to raise awareness of stroke risk and help overcome recovery challenges. We take our mission very seriously. We wish we could do more and we do the best we can with the resources we have. We always welcome constructive feedback and we would like to invite you to submit your ideas at anytime. We wish you the best and are looking forward to your input.

    1. You are not committed enough to leave your real name or contact me directly. Excuses, excuses, I've already listed what a great stroke association should be doing, you are doing none of those. First by contacting and talking to real survivors.

    2. Who gives a shit about awareness? Survivors want results and protocols that deliver those results. I look forward to you reading all 11,000+ posts and acting on them. It is your responsibility to help survivors not mine. The monkey is on your back, deal with it.
