Tuesday, November 22, 2016

7 Signs You Are Seriously Out of Shape

Well, well, I might be ok. How does your doctor measure your physical fitness as a stroke survivor? Mine did nothing.

1. You can’t do push-ups

Of course not, I can't flatten my hand enough to even attempt these.

2. It takes a long time for your heart rate to slow down

Good here.

3. You have a large waist circumference

Can't really tell since it requires two useable hands to measure it, although my pants are 38s so I still must be good.

4. You’re winded after walking up a staircase

Not really, unless you count the 106 step one in the Paris subway or the 676 steps up the Duomo in Florence without stopping.

5. You’re craving sugar


6. You’re always tired

Yes I am, I do a lot during the day including staying up late to catch up on movies and reading. 

7. You have a high resting heart rate

Pretty good on this one, it was better 7 years ago, 54 bpm at age 53.







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