Sunday, November 27, 2016

Study: Ice Cream For Breakfast Boosts Brain Performance

This will never be approved for your use because your doctor doesn't read and translate research findings into stroke protocols.  You are completely and totally on your own  and should never eat ice cream in the morning because of its' fuckingly dangerous qualities. I would add it to my coffee, I live dangerously so don't follow me.
All the years of your parents saying “NO” to ice cream for breakfast may have actually stunted your brilliance.
According to The Telegraph, a new study performed by Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Kyorin University in Tokyo, revealed that eating a certain amount of ice cream immediately after waking up in the morning can actually make you smarter.
No, you did not misread that!
According to the study, test subjects who indulged in ice cream immediately upon waking up and right before participating in a series of computer exercises had an increased reaction rate and were better able to process information. In order to rule out whether or not the brain was just shocked to a higher level of performance, the same test was done with regular ice-cold water, but the results did not compare.
According to The Guardian, a similar test performed back in 2005 by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry in London revealed that one spoonful of ice cream gives your brain the same type of pleasure as winning money or listening to your favorite music.
For all you ice cream lovers out there, I’m sure you probably didn’t need science to tell you all of this.

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