Monday, December 5, 2016

Congress needs to pass a final budget by December 9 or funding for NIH and NSF could remain flat for the coming year.

This is the necessary reason that funding for stroke research needs to completely change. With a defined stroke strategy getting foundation grants and individual donors to step up and fund such research would be damned easy.  Asking for general funding for stupid stroke association press release funding is complete insanity. Asking for funding to solve glutamate poisoning in the neuronal cascade of death would be a concrete proposal people and foundations could get behind. I.E, 'I helped solve the glutamate poisoning piece of stroke neuron death'. You could send out certificates of appreciation suitable to being framed. This is so fucking easy to solve the funding problem but will require destroying our fucking failures of stroke associations and replacing them with a great stroke association. 
Email from here:

In the Spotlight

Don’t Let Congress Stall Research FundingCongress needs to pass a final budget by December 9 or funding for NIH and NSF could remain flat for the coming year. NIH Director Francis Collins warned Congress that passing another continuing resolution (CR) instead of a full budget will endanger biomedical research by further limiting resources. Specifically, he highlighted an increase in funding for Alzheimer’s disease research that will be unrealized under another CR.
Contact your senators to tell them to support biomedical research funding by passing a final budget.

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