I bet this never gets into followup research in humans. NO strategy to blame for that failure.
Faster and better recovery after stroke may be the result of a newly
discovered treatment strategy that created new nerve synapses in the
brain—a key factor for learning. A study at Sahlgrenska Academy showed
improved ability to use the affected paw in mice that received the
“More nerve sprouts and connections between nerve cells are created
so that the remaining cells can take over functions that the dead cells
once had,” says Marcela Pekna, associate professor at the Institute of
Neuroscience and Physiology at Sahlgrenska Academy.
The focus is on a molecule called C3a peptide, which is produced
naturally in the body and even more so with certain medical conditions.
In this case, it was administered to laboratory animals through nasal
Sustained improvement
Of a total of 28 mice with stroke, half received C3a peptide and half a placebo. The treated mice recovered much better.
“Mice have pretty good ability to recover after a stroke, even
without treatment, but with C3a they got better much faster and were
able to use the affected paw to a higher degree. And they remained
better even four weeks after we finished the treatment,” says Anna
Stokowska, first author of the study and postdoctoral researcher at
Sahlgrenska Academy.
The results from the behavioral analysis were linked to what happened
in the brains of the mice, in which treatment with C3a led to what many
now consider to be more important for the recovery of function than
generation of new nerve cells, namely the creation of new synapses
between the cells.
“Say a stroke kills ten million brain cells. Newly created cells
equal less than one percent of those that died, and how much can that
help? The formation of new nerve synapses is what allows a person to
learn, for example, to speak or use her hands and legs again,” says
Marcela Pekna.
Still a long way to go
As C3a is inactivated if given orally or intravenously, the
researchers used nasal drops. The C3a peptide is also extremely
expensive to produce and would need to be replaced by a smaller, cheaper
molecule with similar properties.
Marcela Pekna and her research team hope that, in the future, this
treatment strategy can be applied clinically in humans. The fact that,
in the study, C3a began to be given first a week after onset opens for
opportunities to help many people.
“In principle, all stroke patients could receive the treatment.
Compare that with removing the blood clot, which must be done within the
first few hours. Most people arrive at the hospital too late for that
treatment. We believe that a combination of this treatment and the
correct type of rehabilitation can help patients improve even faster. It
might also be possible to treat other illnesses than stroke, such as
brain damage after traffic accidents. But that remains to be seen; there
is still a long way to go,” Pekna says.
Link to article: http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/12/07/brain.aww314.
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