Thursday, January 5, 2017

Adult neurogenesis beyond the niche: its potential for driving brain plasticity

Ask your doctor how you are going to use this information in your protocols to get to 100% recovery.  Asking for that should not be a surprise to your doctor, it should be the default mode every stroke doctor strives for. They should have protocols for every stroke deficit you have. If all they do is write three prescriptions to PT, ST and OT for E.T.(Evaluate and Treat) then you have a doctor that knows absolutely nothing about your recovery. You will need to figure out your recovery completely on your own.

As Dr. Steven Wolf writes, a rehabilitation stroke expert and professor at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.  "Stroke patients need to rely more on their own problem solving to regain mobility". 


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Non-neurogenic adult circuits structurally remodel with specific manipulations.
Neurogenic zones provide cues and synaptic partners for newborn neurons.
Neurogenesis demands massive structural remodeling of preexisting network.
Millions of new connections are made/exchanged each day for new adult-born neurons.
Adult neurogenesis may have more far-reaching role in general brain plasticity.

Adult neurogenesis emerges as a tremendous form of plasticity with the continuous addition and loss of neurons in the adult brain. It is unclear how preexisting adult circuits generated during development are capable of modifying existing connections to accommodate the thousands of new synapses formed and exchanged each day. Here we first make parallels with sensory deprivation studies and its ability to induce preexisting non-neurogenic adult circuits to undergo massive reorganization. We then review recent studies that show high structural and synaptic plasticity in circuits directly connected to adult-born neurons. Finally, we propose future directions in the field to decipher how host circuits can accommodate new neuron integration and to determine the impact of adult neurogenesis on global brain plasticity


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