Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Right Way to Fall

This is one of the ADLs your therapists have to teach you about. I would suggest having your therapist walk alongside you and at certain times violently perturb your walking. That is the only way to learn how to prevent falls, learn how to recover from perturbations. 

The Right Way to Fall

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I definitely direct my butt back and fold at the waist, pulling my head forward as I go, landing on my buttocks and preventing my head from hitting the floor/ground.

    I end up with some pretty colorful extensive bruises that my water PT grills me about when I'm wearing my bathing suit.

    It helps that I have only once fallen forward, which was an entirely different situation. I tried to stop my forehead from hitting the corner of a coffee table, but I failed - mostly due to my bad "good" knee trying to counteract the inevitable.
