Sunday, February 26, 2017

10 Foods Everyone With High Blood Pressure Should Be Eating

Has your doctor told you one goddamn thing about foods you should be eating to lower your blood pressure? Including amounts and when? The answer to those questions tells you how incompetent your doctor is. Telling you to follow the DASH or Mediterranean diet is complete malfeasance because they are not protocols but just simple guidelines.

If you have high blood pressure, you’re well aware of the types of foods you shouldn’t be eating. Your doctor has probably shoved a lengthy list of don’ts down your throat: Don’t eat red meat; steer clear of too much salt. At a certain point, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What can I eat?” The good news is, there’s still plenty you can enjoy.
For folks with high blood pressure, it’s important to be cognizant of how diet will ultimately lower, or contribute, to their high blood pressure. The American Heart Association (AHA) says, “Eating a heart-healthy diet is important for managing your blood pressure and reducing your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health threats.”
We’ve done some digging, and have found 10 foods that will help keep those BP numbers where they need to be. Check it out.

1. Bananas

2. Whole grains

3. Low-fat yogurt

4. Fish

5. Nuts

6. Legumes

7. Olive oil

8. Spices

9. Lean chicken

10. Leafy greens

Slightly more information at the link but nothing even 

remotely close to a protocol. Once again you are completely 

on your own to figure out your recovery  and prevention interventions. 








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