Thursday, February 2, 2017

Six healthy reasons to drink more beer

Ask your doctor which is better for you beer, spirits or wine? And don't accept the comment that you shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all. See below for wine and spirit benefits and negatives. I use this to challenge my balance and recover faster that way,

Six healthy reasons to drink more beer

1. Beer increases bone density

2. Beer lowers the risk of heart attack

3. Beer lowers your cholesterol level
4. Beer decreases your risk of getting diabetes

5. Beer can prevent kidney stones

6. Beer protects from dementia

Details at link.

Red wine

All the great things studies claim drinking red wine can do:

Ask your doctor if one glass of red wine a day can provide all these benefits

1. Lower the risk of breast cancer.
2. Raise levels of good HDL cholesterol.
3. Be equivalent to an hour of exercise.
3. Give you better sleep quality.
4. Prevent tooth decay.
5. Reduce plaque in your arteries.
6. Make you have fewer col/ds.
7. Help you lose weight.
8. Lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia.
9. Give you "gorgeous skin.
10. Aid digestion.
11. Enhance exercise performance.
12. Control Type 2 Diabetes.
13. Help you "chill out."
14. Reduce risk of depression.
15. Give you a longer li/fe.
16. Increase diversity of bacteria in your gut.
17. Fight off caviti/es.
18. Stop bug bites.


10 Health Benefits of Whiskey


Your doctor will use these negative stories rather than thinking thru the pros and cons.

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