Monday, March 13, 2017

Association between dietary factors and mortality from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes in the United States

Useless information since it doesn't point to any diet protocols to correct for these problems.

JAMA, 03/13/2017
Micha R, et al. – In a trial to determine associations between intake of 10 specific dietary factors with mortality due to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes (cardiometabolic mortality) among US adults, researchers found that dietary factors are associated with a substantial proportion of deaths from these three common diseases. These results should help clinicians identify priorities, guide public health planning, and inform strategies to alter dietary habits and improve health.


  • Consumption of 10 foods or nutrients associated with cardiometabolic diseases were examined, including: fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, unprocessed red meats, processed meats, sugar–sweetened beverages (SSBs), polyunsaturated fats, seafood omega–3 fats, and sodium.
  • Study authors estimated absolute and percentage mortality due to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes in 2012.
  • Disease–specific and demographic–specific mortality and trends, including age, sex, race, and education, between 2002 and 2012 were evaluated.


  • In 2012, statistics showed that 702,308 cardiometabolic deaths occurred in US adults, including 506,100 from heart disease (371,266 coronary heart disease, 35,019 hypertensive heart disease, and 99,815 other cardiovascular disease), 128,294 from stroke (16,125 ischemic, 32,591 hemorrhagic, and 79,578 other), and 67,914 from type 2 diabetes.
  • Of these, an estimated 318,656 (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 306,064–329,755; 45.4%) cardiometabolic deaths per year were associated with suboptimal intakes—48.6% (95% UI, 46.2%–50.9%) of cardiometabolic deaths in men and 41.8% (95% UI, 39.3%–44.2%) in women; 64.2% (95% UI, 60.6%–67.9%) at younger ages (25–34 years) and 35.7% (95% UI, 33.1%–38.1%) at older ages (?75 years); 53.1% (95% UI, 51.6%–54.8%) among blacks, 50.0% (95% UI, 48.2%–51.8%) among Hispanics, and 42.8% (95% UI, 40.9%–44.5%) among whites; and 46.8% (95% UI, 44.9%–48.7%) among lower–, 45.7% (95% UI, 44.2%–47.4%) among medium–, and 39.1% (95% UI, 37.2%–41.2%) among higher–educated individuals.
  • The largest numbers of estimated diet–related cardiometabolic deaths were related to high sodium (66,508 deaths in 2012; 9.5% of all cardiometabolic deaths), low nuts/seeds (59,374; 8.5%), high processed meats (57,766; 8.2%), low seafood omega–3 fats (54,626; 7.8%), low vegetables (53,410; 7.6%), low fruits (52,547; 7.5%), and high SSBs (51,694; 7.4%).
  • Between 2002 and 2012, population–adjusted US cardiometabolic deaths per year decreased by 26.5%.
  • The greatest decline seen was associated with insufficient polyunsaturated fats (–20.8% relative change [95% UI, –18.5% to –22.8%]), nuts/seeds (–18.0% [95% UI, –14.6% to –21.0%]), and excess SSBs (–14.5% [95% UI, –12.0% to –16.9%]).
  • The greatest increase was associated with unprocessed red meats (+14.4% [95% UI, 9.1% –19.5%]).
Go to Abstract Print Article Summary Cat 2 CME Report

1 comment:

  1. This is good data showing that diet does make a difference, Now we need some other researcher to investigate how much we need to increase these particular foods.

    It is interesting to note that they STILL found excess sodium to have the highest association with death. You would think by now people would have learned to put that salt shaker down. I remember my aunt being put on a low sodium diet 40 years ago so it isn't news that too much salt is bad for you!
