Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Blood everywhere

Last night in trying to get my 10,000 steps in I walked the usual trails. I had cleared most of large branches overhanging one section with one huge branch still left at head height to be cleared the coming weekend. I walked past just fine, on the way back I was doing the head down looking at feet thing and solidly hit my head on the branch. No cap on so I split my bald skull open. Immediately blood starts running down my forehead, no hankerchief so I start using leaves to staunch the flow. After 10 minutes and no stopping I finally just plastered a leaf on my head and pulled the cap over it to keep it in place.  Only managed 8745 steps since I needed to pick up a pizza and go to a friends house to watch season 6 of Game of Thrones. Lots of blood there in the Battle of the Bastards.

Blood on glasses but not in eyes
Top view
The sanitary leaf used 


  1. DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU OK????????????

    1. Of course, this just means I'm alive, to be able to bleed like that.

  2. Wow - you really got whacked by that tree branch. Hope it is nothing more a blood loss and some transient pain.
