Saturday, April 29, 2017

Dimension of Behavioral Deficits in Subacute Rehabilitation after Stroke

Only 9 pages which I'm not going to read
The dimension of neuropsychological disturbances and behavioral disorders after brain damage is of a major importance for agood quality of life and a successful social and occupational reintegration.
This study centers on the analysis of behavioral disorders after stroke. Furthermore, it attempts to answer the following questions: how many patients in a subacute disease phase after stroke have deficits in behavior; which deficits were exhibited and to what degree were they exhibited. In a retrospective study 61 patients 0-6 months after hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke were included.
Examination of the kinds of behavioral disorders was made using the Neurobehavioral Rating Scale (NBRS) and the Marburger Kompetenz Skala (MKS) was used for examination of daily behavior.
Initially, in the early phase of the disease a huge spectrum of behavioral deficits can be recognized. These are mainly symptoms of depression and fear, but also limitations in mental capacity and attention. Results of the MKS-score of daily behavior showed that most of the limitations are found in recreational activities, physical work and mobility (driving a car, using public transport etc.).
A lack of behavioral deficits is essential for social, family and occupational reintegration. Therefore, resolving these behavioral deficits should be given special consideration even in the early phase of rehabilitation. One would expect that an important factor for improving reintegration of these patients is early adoption of individually customized neuropsychological and behavioral therapy, accompanied by therapeutic care in a social and family environment.

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