Tuesday, April 4, 2017

New health calculator PREDICTS if you will suffer a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years

I can't tell if this was compared to all these other risk calculators out there.
There are 14 stroke risk calculators here so you can challenge your doctor about which one is best.
None of which showed me as having any elevated risk for stroke. You are going to need to know your weight in stone or kg.  for this NHS one
Result if I took the test prior to my stroke:
On average, someone like you can expect to live to the age of 78 without having a heart attack or stroke. My stroke was at age 50.
Current results:
On average, someone like you can expect to live to the age of 79 without having a heart attack or stroke. I had to say I didn't have cardiovascular disease to get the calculator to work for me.
A NEW online calculator can help doctors predict a patient’s risk of heart disease and diabetes.
The aim is to tell patients how likely they are to suffer a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years, its creator said.

It is hoped that such a stark warning will help doctors inspire their patients to make changes to their diet and get more exercise to ward off the deadly conditions.
Dr Mark DeBoer, from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, said: “This boils it down to telling a patient, ‘On the risk spectrum, you are here, and you’re in a position where we’re worried you’re going to have a cardiovascular event in the next 10 years’.
“My hypothesis is that the more specific information you can give to individuals at risk, the more they will understand it and be motivated to make some changes.”
While this new tool is designed for doctors to use, if patients have the relevant blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels they can calculate the risk themselves.
The NHS offers a similar test for patients that predicts when they will suffer a heart attack or stroke.
It asks for your date of birth, smoking status and gender before estimating your “heart age”.
Go to link for test.

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