Monday, April 17, 2017

New process speeds up stroke recovery - New Zealand

BULLSHIT!! Nothing here gives you any factual information that this helps recovery.

New Zealand researchers have come up with a new and simple process to help the recovery of stroke patients.
The technique helps therapists predict how well patients will regain the use of their hands and arms, after a stroke.
Auckland University associate professor Cathy Stinear and her team grade recoveries on a scale including 'excellent', 'good', 'limited' or 'poor' recovery.
She said it has led to patients having treatment tailored to their needs.
"We think we've found a way to make their care more tailored to them and get them home sooner with no loss to them in terms of their satisfaction with the rehab process."
She said this has meant a great improvement in patients' recovery.
"That meant that patients left hospital a whole week earlier than they otherwise would and that's exciting because we know that people do a lot better if they get home sooner."

1 comment:

  1. Again, I think predicting a patient's endpoint is simply a stimulus to prove that the predictor is wrong. We're brain-injured, but awfully stubborn, too.
