Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Predicting brain atrophy from resting-state functional connectivity and structural connectivity in ischemic stroke (P5.297)

Who gives a shit about prediction you blithering idiots? What are you doing to prevent brain atrophy post stroke? What protocol is there for that?

Predicting brain atrophy from resting-state functional connectivity and structural connectivity in ischemic stroke (P5.297)

  • April 27, 2017
    • Poster Session V
      • Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation
  1. Michael D. Fox1
  1. Neurology vol. 88 no. 16 Supplement P5.297


To investigate whether resting-state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI) can predict brain atrophy caused by ischemic stroke, and whether this prediction is independent of structural connectivity from diffusion MRI (dMRI).
A stroke in one location can have effects on remote but connected brain regions, including focal atrophy. dMRI has previously been shown to predict regional atrophy of connected brain regions. Improving the prediction of these remote effects may improve symptom localization, prognosis, and allow for individualized neurorehabilitation.
26 patients with acute ischemic stroke received anatomical MRI scans shortly after their stroke and then again at a later date (10.7±7.5 months). The change in volume (atrophy) of 116 automated anatomical labeling (AAL) regions was computed. Connectivity of each AAL region to the lesion location was assessed using rs-fcMRI from a large cohort of normal subjects (N = 98). For dMRI, connectivity was the percentage of tracks from the AAL region that passed through the lesion mask, as used in prior work. The lesioned areas themselves were excluded from analyses. Mixed-effects regression analyses of atrophy as outcome, with rs-fcMRI and/or dMRI values as fixed effects and individual patients as random effect were conducted.
Rs-fcMRI with the lesion location was a significant predictor of remote atrophy (z = 4.03, p = 5.6e-05), whereas dMRI fell just short of significance (z = 1.70, p = .089). Regression analysis of atrophy including both rs-fcMRI and dMRI as predictors found a significant effect of rs-fcMRI (z = 3.78, p = 0.0002) but not dMRI (z = 0.98, p = 0.33).
Resting-state functional connectivity with the lesion location can predict atrophy of remote brain regions after ischemic stroke, independent of structural white-matter connectivity.
Study Supported by: M.D.F. was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R21 MH099196, K23 NS083741), Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, National Parkinson’s Foundation, and NFL Players Association. A.J. was supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC PDF 454617). A.D.B. was supported by 4K12HD027748-24.
Disclosure: Dr. Jannati has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boes has nothing to disclose. Dr. Horn has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pascual-Leone has received personal compensation for activities with Magstim, Nexstim, Neuronix, Starlab Neuroscience, Neuroelectrics, Axilum Robotics, and Neosync as a member of scientific advisory boards. Dr. Pascual-Leone has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for the Annals of Neurology and the European Journal of Neuroscience. Dr. Kuceyeski has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fox has nothing to disclose.

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