Friday, June 23, 2017

Stroke rehab researcher recognised in Queen’s birthday honours

Her research found from Google Scholar; I was not impressed, all rehab is dependent on the survivor doing everything, doctors and therapists have to do nothing.

Self-efficacy and self-management after stroke: a systematic review Aug. 2010

Adherence to an exercise prescription scheme: The role of expectations, self-efficacy, stage of change and psychological well-being Sept. 2005

Strategies to enhance chronic disease self-management: How can we apply this to stroke? July 2009

 Changing self-efficacy in individuals following a first time stroke: preliminary study of a novel self-management intervention April 2009

Reasons for recovery after stroke: A perspective based on personal experience March 2007

The Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire: measuring individual confidence in functional performance after stroke June 2008

Self-management programmes for people post stroke: a systematic review March 2013

Self-management after stroke: time for some more questions? May 2012

‘Getting the Balance between Encouragement and Taking Over’ — Reflections on Using a New Stroke Self-Management Programme July 2012

Who's in control after a stroke? Do we disempower our patients? Nov. 2000

Self-Management and Self-Management Support Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Mixed Research Synthesis of Stakeholder Views July 2015


 Stroke rehab researcher recognised in Queen’s birthday honours

Fiona Jones, professor of rehabilitation research at Kingston University and St George's University of London, was made a Member of the British Empire (MBE) for her services to stroke rehabilitation.
Speaking to Frontline Professor Jones said she felt ‘shocked and humbled’ by the recognition of her work.
‘I’ve had a lot of help, support and encouragement from family, friends and all my colleagues,’ she said.
‘Since I qualified as a physiotherapist in the early 80s I’ve seen the profession change so much.
‘The work I’ve been doing – which puts patients at the heart of their care and uses robust research methodologies to study a participatory approach –¬¬¬ is now much more accepted than it was.
‘We now recognise that patients hold many of the answers and we could be using their skills and expertise so much more.’

Self-management and patient involvement

Professor Jones became a CSP Fellow in 2011 and was president of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Interested in Neurology from 2013 until March this year.
She is also the founder and chief executive of Bridges Self-Management, a social enterprise that helps stroke survivors to manage their own care.
Last year she became the chief investigator for the CREATE, a National Institute for Health Research funded study.
The project is examining how a service improvement approach known as experience-based co-design [which allows staff and service users to co-design services and/or care pathways together] can increase therapeutic activity in stroke units.
‘The problem is the lack of activity on stoke units and looking at the environment and how to make it more therapeutic,’ Professor Jones explained.
‘And this is the first study of its kind in acute stroke, using methodologies where patients, staff and families come together to co-design to solutions.’

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