Saturday, June 10, 2017

Stroke survivor battling to get his life back

No stroke survivor should be struggling. If one is that is the complete failure of all your stroke medical professionals not solving all the problems in stroke to get every survivor 100% recovered. I don't fucking care how difficult that is, leaders tackle the difficult problems, they don't shrug their shoulders and blame the patient for not preventing the stroke or not getting to 100% recovery on their own.
Steve Smith doesn't want the two strokes he had to define him.
Smith wants to get his life back. He wants to learn how to ride his bike again and possibly pick up a pencil and write his name.
“Many people don't think there's life after having a stroke. I was sick. I had a stroke, but I'm not done yet,” says the 65-year-old North Bay resident.
Smith's life drastically changed Jan. 2, 2015, when he suffered his second stroke. The first one happened Dec. 13, 2014.
Menial daily tasks were suddenly impossible.
“I can't do the things I use to do,” Smith said Friday while sitting at a picnic table outside the PHARA (Physically Handicapped Adults Rehabilitation Association) building on Oakwood Avenue.
“I loved fixing furniture, but I can't see very well now. I had planned on working until I died.”
Smith has participated in a variety of extensive therapy sessions through PHARA, everything from speech therapy to programs that help him with his balance.
He credits the staff, particularly Brianna Topham, with helping him regain control of his life.
“If it wasn't for this group, I don't know where I would be now,” Smith says.
“They do everything for me other than feed and burp me. A lot of people are in worse shape because they have nobody to advocate for them.”
Heart and Stroke released its 2017 Stroke Report this week revealing extensive gaps in recovery support and services for Canadians who experience stroke at any age.
According to the report, more Canadians are living with the effects of stroke and require support.
“More than 400,000 Canadians live with long-term disability from stroke and this will almost double in the next 20 years. The majority of stroke patients require ongoing recovery support, but overall many of their needs are not being met.”
Topham, stroke community navigator for the post stroke transitional care program at PHARA, says the program assists between 50 and 60 people of different ages from their 20s to 80s.
“There's stigma out in the public that after a person suffers from a stroke they will never progress or get better. They will never be able to do the things they use to do.”
Programs like living with stroke, peer support, assessment services, cognitive remediation, heart healthy kitchen, horticulture therapy and aqua fitness, to name a few, are some of the many services offered.
Topham says transitional care also helps people find housing and apply for financial supports such as Ontario Disability Support Payments.
This year’s Stroke Report focuses on recovery and rehabilitation after strokes.
The report’s statistics note that only about 16 per cent of stroke patients enter rehabilitation centres directly after hospital care and only about 19 per cent enter within the first month.
Shelley Hawton, a registered nurse and district stroke co-ordinator for the North Bay Regional Health Centre, says the hospital sees about 250 stroke victims in its emergency department of which 170 are admitted to the hospital.

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