Monday, July 17, 2017

This is why you are in the best possible hands if you have a stroke in Cornwall

Useless information. NO reporting of objective recovery results so there is no basis for the title.
Stroke patients in Cornwall get the UK's most cutting edge treatments after it was revealed they were first in line when it came to taking part in ground breaking research. (So what?)
More than 800 people in the county are currently taking part in clinical trials the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust (RCHT) - the highest in the UK for the second year running.
Trials help find the best long term treatments for the debilitating effects of stroke and it is good news for local patients that so many are recruited to take part in studies that could find the key to living better after suffering a stroke.
Consultant stroke physician, Dr Frances Harrington welcomed the news that the trust was named lead recruiting site for stroke research across England at the annual South West stroke forum, Joining Forces.

"We are very lucky that so many of our patients are keen to take part in research studies," he said.
"Their participation helps us to learn much more about treating and living with the effects of stroke so that we can improve care now and for the future."
He said the team put their success down to several factors, including "a dedicated, flexible team; excellent support from the stroke clinical team including nurses and therapists, radiology, labs and pharmacy and most importantly patients affected by stroke and their carers".
It's the second year in succession RCHT's neurovascular research team has achieved the highest recruitment to studies in the stroke research portfolio out of all the large acute hospital trusts in England.
Last year just under 500 patients were recruited and this year the team has remained top, with a total of 358 new stroke patients recruited.

RCHT's neurovascular research team currently has a wide variety of studies open from hyper acute – the immediate hours after a stroke - to community based rehabilitation studies.
As a result many of Cornish stroke patients have helped expand the knowledge of treatment for strokes.
At the South West stroke event Martin James, Consultant stroke physician at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital, analysed figures from across the peninsular and was able to breakdown the specific progress of the RCHT on a national level.
The result was based on statistics collected by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) over the course of the 2016-17 financial year.
Stroke research at RCHT started in 2007 as part of the South West Clinical Research Network, one of only six networks established in England at the time.
The original national aims included broadening research opportunities for patients and carers and ensuring research in the NHS was of the highest quality.
Since then research within the NHS, as part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), has taken off and in Cornwall the neurovascular/stroke research team continues to see growing numbers of people affected by stroke taking part in national and international research studies.
*Anyone interested in finding out more about research in stroke or into many other conditions and areas of medicine, you can find information on the RCHT website or contact Research Development and Innovation team at

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