Sunday, September 3, 2017

The 10 Daily Habits of Happy People

Hopefully your doctor has a protocol for happiness post-stroke. I am probably the happiest I've ever been in my life.
Like everyone else in the world, I want to be happy. I want to accomplish crazy dreams, have an amazing relationship with myself, and be surrounded by awesome and loving people.
However, also like everyone else, I genuinely struggle to attain happiness – and keep it. It makes us all wonder how others in comparison have achieved their dreams and are always living life to the fullest.  I’m here to tell you the truth and epic secret to being happy: the success and happiness of someone lies in their daily habits. Because when you’re working towards a goal every day, you eventually come to see that happiness is a constant experience and feeling, rather than just an end result.
These are ten habits of happy people we should care to incorporate into our own lives.

Treat Ourselves With Kindness

More often than not, we tend to treat others with more kindness and compassion than we do ourselves. We genuinely don’t give ourselves enough credit. But by treating ourselves with kindness and understanding despite our struggles and downfalls, we realize that a fulfilling life starts with loving ourselves.

Let Go of Petty Situations

Unexpected and unpleasant events occur all the time. However, that doesn’t mean we should constantly let them get to us. By brushing off the insignificant things in your life, such as getting angry in traffic or feeling embarrassed, you’ll realize that there are better ways for you to invest your time and energy.

Unplug technology when needed

We live in a technological society where it seems that everyone is plugged in and distracted all day, every day. However, separating yourself from the phenomenon of technology addiction will enable you to be aware and open to connecting with the world and people around you instead.

Keep up Organization in a Physical And Mental Space

Routines give a life structure and maximize productivity. By following a routine, one is able to tackle the entire day with goal-oriented mindset. Without a routine, you may find yourself lost with what to do in a day could possibly waste valuable time.

Stay in the Present

It’s easy to get lost in our heads and wish for different things to happen in our lives. There is nothing wrong with daydreaming or reminiscing, but to let your mind stay in the past or dream of a future too much will prevent you from doing the things you need to do right now.

Allow Ourselves to Feel Emotions

Contrary to popular belief, emotions do not make you weak – they make you human. Allowing yourself to feel your true and raw emotions is a sign of self-awareness and self-love. Suppressing your emotions is very unhealthy. Therefore, let yourself cry when you’re sad or scream to the sky when you’re angry.

Put Wishes Into Action

We all have goals we wish to accomplish in life. However, how many of us actually follow through with the things we want to do? Happy people know not to make excuses or procrastinate when it comes to their dreams. They understand that they need to always take action and be goal-oriented every day.

Exercise And Eat Healthy

Exercising and eating healthy keeps the body strong and mind happy. Your body will feel at its optimum best if you eat healthy food and make the effort to hit the gym every day. Proper diet and exercise will clear your head and you will feel more motivated to take action.

Practice Good Decision Making

In life we choose to say either “yes” or “no” to events, relationships, and choices. Happy individuals never settle for less than what they deserve and always seek to improve themselves. In order to live a happy life, it is crucial to learn how to say “yes” to productive relationships and opportunities and “no” to the toxic ones.

Take Time to Recharge and Be Alone

Socializing and the craziness of life takes a toll on everyone. But to sustain your happiness and keep your sanity, it’s best to take a step back from your world and be with yourself. We sometimes get so caught up in life that we forget who we are. We need to return to a sense of grounded awareness, rather than forcing our minds to be busy with worries, work, and future obligations.

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