Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What Are Your Chances of Recovery from Stroke Paralysis?

This is being hopelessly optimistic. Only 10% of stroke patients fully recover. Yes, you can get better than you are, but that just requires living long enough, maybe 6 months, to get through spontaneous recovery.  Notice that your doctor has zilch to do with this recovery, they are useless in this regard.

What Are Your Chances of Recovery from Stroke Paralysis?

If you’re wondering what your chances of recovery from stroke paralysis are, then you’ve come to the right place.
Because we’re going to give you the HONEST reality of stroke paralysis recovery in today’s article.

The Truth about Your Chances of Recovery from Stroke Paralysis

Here’s the truth: Your chances of recovery from stroke paralysis are probably pretty GOOD.
Does that surprise you? If you have a hard time believing this, then it’s likely that someone on your medical team bestowed a limiting belief on you.
Anything that limits your potential is a limiting belief. For example, believing that you’ll be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or that you’ll never be able to use your affected side again are limiting beliefs.
We don’t believe in limiting beliefs like that and neither should you. In fact, simply hearing a limiting belief puts you under the influence of the nocebo effect, where something bad becomes true simply because you believe it’s true.
In order to recover as much as possible, you need to believe in a higher recovery. You need to kick limiting beliefs to the curb and strive to prove everyone wrong.

You Can Prove Them Wrong

Here’s another truth: There are SO MANY stories of stroke survivors recovering far more movement than doctors predicted. Why is that?
Well, doctors are obligated to speak strictly facts. Since stroke paralysis recovery is very ambiguous, doctors cannot inject any false hope into their prognosis. So they set the bar low.
We don’t like that. We would rather have you set the bar really high and believe that you can achieve a full recovery because that will help you achieve a much higher recovery.
This is the placebo effect, where something good becomes true simply because you believe it’s true. (The placebo effect is how people experience miraculous benefits from dummy sugar pills — simply because they’re told that it will produce positive side effects.)
This isn’t to say that you can just wish yourself a full recovery without putting in any hard work, because hard work is definitely required. Rather, we’re trying to say that you should take your stroke recovery prognosis with a grain of salt and believe in a much higher recovery than anyone thought possible.

This Approach Works – They Proved It

We had the pleasure of witnessing this first-hand many times. During one instance, Elizabeth, the wife of one of our customers, absolutely refused to believe that her husband would not be able to recover from stroke paralysis.
Although a therapist told her husband that there was no hope for regaining movement in his paralyzed hand, she wanted to prove them wrong. And she did.
Elizabeth’s husband regained movement in his paralyzed hand by using our MusicGlove hand therapy device passively since passive exercise is the golden ticket for stroke paralysis recovery.
And after a couple months, twitches started to happen in her husband’s hand. That was a really great sign! Movement slowly started to seep back into his hand even though his therapist once said that it was impossible.

Tools to Help Your Stroke Paralysis Recovery

The bottom line is this: Your chances of recovery from stroke paralysis are great if you believe they’re great.
Decide right now that you have more potential than anyone else predicted. Then, get working. Start pursuing your rehabilitation with gusto and determination so that you can prove them wrong, too.
To help you on your journey, we recommend these articles about stroke paralysis recovery:
Enjoy the reading.
We’re rooting for you.

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