Monday, October 2, 2017

The 6 Most Important Choices You Can Make to Live a Happy, Stress-Free Life (According to Neuroscience)

How do these compare to your doctors protocols for happiness? I bet your lazy doctor has nothing for happiness, not even guesses.  Details at the link. Do not do anything with these unless your doctor prescribes them.
Neuroscientist Moran Cerf has learned a few things after researching how people make choices.

Neuroscientist Moran Cerf has made a living studying how people make choices.
Turns out, humans are pretty lousy decision-makers. We fall victim to bias, let emotions cloud our judgment, and tire of making choices pretty quickly.
But Cerf has also learned that making a handful of really smart choices at the right moment can eliminate the need to make hundreds of smaller, nagging choices.
Here are Cerf's recommendations for living a happy, successful, stress-free life.

1. Choose your friends wisely

I did a great job of this after moving to Michigan

2. Keep track of your luck

I know I'm lucky and do consider myself to have lead a charmed life with a few bad decisions, mainly getting married. 

3. Avoid data overload

Not possible, I want to know details, witness my 13,600 post blog.

4. Create the right budget for you

I have no budget, but then my salary is decent. 

5. Outsource your dating

Hasn't worked yet, but it would feel pretty weird asking my women friends for their choices on whom I should be dating.

6. Do good for others

This post originally appeared on Business Insider.

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