Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Facial Flaw That Makes Men Look More Attractive

Nothing to do with stroke. My scar on my cheek is pretty well hidden by my glasses. It came from flying over the handlebars of my bike coming home from work in Minneapolis, obviously pre-stroke. I was cruising at a pretty high speed heading south in early spring. the sun was setting to my right. A car pulled out directly in front of me, maybe with 10 yards to spare. It was hit the brakes or run into the car. My front brake grabbed first and pitched me directly over the handlebars to land shoulder
first on the ground with my face shortly following. Broke my glasses and ground the edge of my glasses into my cheekbone. The woman driver couldn't see a thing as she was driving directly into the sun.   The ambulance picked me up with blood streaming down my face, loaded up the bike into the ambulance also and locked it to a fence outside the ER room. After all stitches were done I biked the 8 miles home in the dark.  My ex was livid with me for not getting a cab, but biking home. I considered no other option than biking.
My other facial scar is under my lower lip but covered by my beard.  At age 11 I climbed a 4 inch sapling to the top where it swayed back and forth. I worked to make it sway back and forth lower and lower until I got it pretty close to the ground. On one of the forward swings I slammed my lower jaw into a cut off sapling stump 3 feet off the ground. I tore a hole just below my lip. One inch higher and it would have went thru my mouth, two inches lower and my throat would have been torn open.  This might explain all the risks I take in my stroke rehab.

I can't say that it is helping me with relationships at all.
It could be a sign of bravery and health.
Women find small facial scars attractive when looking for a short-term relationship, research finds.
Previously it was thought scars made men look less attractive in this context.
However, it seems women may link scars to bravery and health.
For long-term relationships, male scarring made no difference to women’s perceptions of attractiveness.
When men looked at pictures of women with small scars and without, it made no difference, whatever type of relationship they were considering.
Dr Rob Burriss, the study’s first author, said:
“Male and female participants were shown images of faces that displayed scarring from injury or illness, and were asked to rate how attractive they found the person for long-term and short-term relationships.
Women may have rated scarring as an attractive quality for short-term relationships because they found it be a symbol of masculinity, a feature that is linked to high testosterone levels and an indicator of good genetic qualities that can be passed on to offspring.
Men without scars, however, could be seen as more caring and therefore more suitable for long-term relationships.
The results come from a study of 223 people who were asked to look at pictures of opposite-sex faces.
Some people had small facial scars, while others did not.
The facial scars made men 6% more attractive, on average.
Dr Burriss said:
“The results demonstrate that we may have more in common with non-Western cultures than previously thought.
The perception that scarring is a sign of strength is a view shared by the Yanomamö tribe of Venezuela for example, who use face-paint to accentuate scars that result from ritualised club fights designed to test a man’s endurance against repeated strikes to the head.
The assumption that scarring is a sign of bravery is also consistent with the historical tradition of academic fencing in Western culture, whereby scarring on a man was often evidence of his courage and ability to withstand an opponent’s blow.”

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