Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Keto-Mediet Approach with Coconut Substitution and Exercise May Delay the Onset of Alzheimer's Disease among Middle-Aged

Not to be done on your own until 50 years from now when your hospital finally gets around to writing diet protocols.



Coconut oil has been widely used to improve health because there is much information available by word of mouth, in books, and on the internet. However, researchers still continue to search for the best diets to improve the quality of life, especially for people with cognitive decline.


The aim of this review is to develop a novel dietary approach, the Keto-Mediet, which may help prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.


Evidence gained through literature review from 1982 to 2015 on gene-by-diet interaction and lipid and glucose metabolism in the brains of Alzheimer's patients is converted into the new Keto-Mediet approach.


The Keto-Mediet approach combines the benefits of a Ketogenic diet and a Mediterranean diet into a pyramidal model that is rich in various types of vitamins and substitutes coconuts for saturated animal fats. Limited glucose intake is intended to delay brain degeneration. A revised adult food pyramid was created to illustrate the principles of the Keto-Mediet approach.


The Keto-Mediet approach represents and interprets food groups according to the revised adult food pyramid. This approach also encourages adherence to this healthy diet and lifestyle changes including exercise for people whose age ranges from 40 to 75 years. Those who comply with this approach will significantly enhance their knowledge and adopt a healthier lifestyle, as compared to those whose modern eating patterns are typically less healthy. Therefore, the Keto-Mediet approach can be applied in hopes of preventing and decreasing Alzheimer's disease in different ethnicities and cultural groups.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD); Keto-Mediet; Ketogenic diet; Mediterranean diet; coconuts

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